Baby & Me and Aquababy

Baby & Me

The Swim Schools International Baby & Me class is centered around gaining comfort in the water for the 6 month old to 36 month old child. Instead of parents sitting idly by while the class takes place, this is one-on-one time with parent and child, all under the direction and supervision of a certified SSI Baby & Me Swim Teacher.


Child should be between the ages of 6 months and 36 months old Parent/Grandparent/Guardian must attend and participate in class.

Swimming Skills Required
Final Goals


Our Aquababy swimmer level is the intermediate step for children in the Baby & Me class who have completed the skills for that level, but have yet to reach the age of 36 months old.

This level introduces independence from the parent, having the certified SSI Baby & Me Swim Teacher performing all of the hands-on teaching in the water while the parent sits in direct supervision on the edge of the pool.

This class can aid children in becoming more independent from their parents, and helps foster a learning bond between the child and their swim teacher while keeping a parent close by if need requires.

Final Goals